Sister Falco is a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the Zambia Lusaka Mission. She will train at the South Africa MTC and arrive in Zambia on June 10th.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

September 15, 2014

Hello Everyone!

Well all our investigators got baptized!! Woot woot!! And Sister Ntuli and my area is finally progressing! It's the best!! I am so grateful to be on a and mission serving in Lilongwe!! S0 Happy!

After the baptisms, it was sweet to hear their testimonies...
Little Enoch: "I used to run away from missionaries and then one day I felt the spirit and I decided I want to come to church. I told my brothers and sisters, 'I want to come and then I came'.And then I told them, 'I want to be baptized' Then the sister missionaries taught me. " He is so cute!--such a precious child!! And guess what!! HIS DAD  CAME TO CHURCH! He's the one who is a Jehovah Witness and always refused to come even though his children were members. It's a miracle!! He tells us that he will come every week and NEVER does and he finally came!! He's been taught many many times by missionaries, but not by us. We will start teaching him soon!

Anita: Super prepared by the Lord. Her testimony: "I was looking for the true church. I went to many different churches but didn't find it. I met the missionaries and at the beginning thought nothing about it, but then i prayed and I know that this Church is true. "

Sis Lunguzi: "It took me four years to join the church, but one day I just couldn't leave my house to go to the my church because I could feel the spirit so strong at your church. and I want to share this gospel with my family so bad. One day we will go to the temple. " 
I look at all my investigators and I realize that it's the Lord who prepares them. We literally are just his tools to find the people. The Lord is hastening His work. I hope that I will be able to be sensitive enough to the spirit and be able to find those people who are ready to be taught!
Well I love you!
Sister Falco 

Anita, Sister Lugunzi, Enoch's Baptism Day

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