Sister Falco is a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the Zambia Lusaka Mission. She will train at the South Africa MTC and arrive in Zambia on June 10th.

Monday, July 13, 2015


July 13, 2015

Dear Family and Friends,

Well it has been a great week!!! I don’t really know what to say, I am so grateful to be a missionary!!! It’s the best ever!! I feel very blessed! We went on a district activity last Monday! We went and saw lions and it was so much fun!! I basically have the best district ever!! I love them all so very much!!

Missionary work this week has been sweet. My area is still taking some time to get used to. And the power is still bad but I am definitely used to it now and I don’t really expect to have power haha. So it’s good still.

Well I have done some reflecting this morning and what I have learned so far as a missionary. First thing: SUCK THE MARROW out of life like Steven Covey says. Take every moment and LOVE IT!!!! I am so grateful for my life. Even when it is hard I am just so grateful!! It’s the best life ever!! I feel like I am filled with so much gratitude for all the blessings that I have. Once we realize we aren’t really entitled to anything (haha Uncle David) and everything that we have is a blessing from our Father in Heaven, our life is a lot better.

Number two thing I reflected on… Idleness is the thief of LIFE! I’ve realized this because in “The Great”, curfew is at 6 pm and we come in and sometimes it’s easy to relax, but I always regret those days. I feel like there is so much in this beautiful world to discover, people to know. Idleness is the thief of joy! Hahahah.

Number three thing I have reflected on is KNOWLEDGE!! Knowledge is the best thing. There is something amazing about learning something new and growing and developing and I love it. Knowledge is the best adrenaline rush we can have. Read books. I LOVE reading; its my new passion.

Appreciate everyone and everything. Appreciate even the things that you don’t really like, like plays and all that kind of stuff. See the beauty in each person. Everyone has a beautiful mind and it is full of so much beauty if we just take the time to get to know the person. There is nothing more thrilling than being happy for no reason. Haha Mission. It’s the best. Keep an eternal perspective.

I like this story--there were three workers and they were building the most beautiful cathedral and one person responds, “I am building stone and the next person says I am dusting off this wall and the last person says I am helping BUILD the most beautiful cathedral.” I think its says a lot about life. We can find joy if we keep this eternal perspective. Sometimes we think, I am just living life; I am just being kind to someone. But if we remember that we are all children of God and we are actually helping someone else receive eternal life, our life will be filled with JOY!!!!

I am grateful to be a missionary!!! It is the best!!!!!

Sister Falco

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